Jee mains 2 months plan by charan narukulla
Subject wise strategy for JEE Main 2018 and 2019 Preparation.
In the months of November and December you can allot lesser hours for maths. But make sure that syllabus has been completed. At the last moment you cannot afford to study something new.
For board exams as well as JEE, you need to practice all questions of NCERT text books and preferably another book like RD Sharma.
If you have time on your hands, you can pick up more MCQ based books such as SL Loney, Hall and Knight and TMH.
Note down important formulae for each chapter.,
Revise theory and formulae properly.
Solve questions as many as you can in the available time.
Maintain a note book for important points from your perspective. It could be about approach to questions or theory. This notebook can be revised a day or two before the exam.
It is important to study from NCERT books recommended by CBSE. This is crucial for board exams as well as JEE Main.
CBSE Chemistry text books are highly recommended by teachers for engineering entrance exam such as JEE. The chemistry NCERT book is well framed for detailed understanding of the topics.
Attempt all problems in the book.
More books to attempt MCQs for JEE Main are OP Tandon, P Bahadur, Morrsion and Boyd.
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