7 Ways To Remove Stress
7 Ways To Remove Stress
1.Stop being so hard on yourself
You will mess up sometimes. Learn from it, and let it go. You never going to be perfect and get everything right. Stop expecting yourself to. Instead, notice the things you are good at, that do go right, that don't mess up. Notice your funny quirks, little talents and goofy features. Love them for their own sake. Notice all of the ways your pretty cool and stop sweating the other stuff you are not yet good at.
2. Stop being so hard on the world
Unrealistic expectations are one of the root causes of unwanted stress and pressure. Life will not go smoothly so stop expecting it to. Accept life with all its glorious messiness. Kids will be noisy. Trains will be late and traffic lights will be on red at times. Accept it. You can't control it so why get frustrated by it? Breathe and let it go.
We are not the Master of this Universe. I know we sometimes wish we were, but acting as if we are is a sure way to get stressed out. Trying to control situations and people cannot work, and only serves to increase our anxiety when it doesn't work. Learn to let go, and accept the way that other people do things, and accept what happens in different situations. The only thing you can control is yourself work on that before you consider trying to control the world. Also learn to separate yourself from tasks and to delegate them. Learning to let go of our need to control others and the situations around us is a major step towards eliminating stress.
Having multiple tasks going on at the same time might seem productive, but in actuality it slows us down from actually focussing on a task and completing it's and it stresses us out in the meantime. Learn to single-task.
5.Eliminate energy drains
If you have analysed your life {in Step 1} and found things that stress you out, you might have also noticed things that drain your energy. Certain things in our life just cause us to be more exhausted than others, with less value. Identify them, and cut them out. you will have much more energy and much less stress. Happiness ensues.
6.Avoid difficult people.
You know who they are. If you take a minute to think about it, you can identify all the people in your life bosses, co-workers, customers, friends, family, etc. who make your life more difficult. Now, you could confront them and do battle with them, but that will most certainly be difficult. Just cut them out of your life.
7.Simplify life
Simplifying, of course, is a major theme of Zen Habits. Simplify your routines, your commitments, your information intake, your cluttered rooms, the mass of stuff going on in your life and have less stress as a result. Start with Edit Your Life and then look through the other simplicity articles.
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